Dragon medical templates
Dragon medical templates

No swelling of his hands, feet, face or symptoms suggestive of CHF. Had no other recent chest pain, pressure. No URI symptoms, no headache, visual symptoms, stiff neck, no trouble walking, talking, weakness, numbness, tingling of extremities other than the above noted left arm symptoms today. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Without fever, chills, weight loss, or night sweats. A 14-point review of systems otherwise negative. Denies any swelling of his hands or face or his right lower extremity. No abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, black tarry stools, bright red blood per rectum.

dragon medical templates

No recent URI, fever, chills, weight loss or night sweats. Denies significant headache, visual symptoms, stiff neck. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient denies any neck, arm, jaw, back, chest pain or pressure symptoms that are new. No history of thyroid, diabetes or adrenal problems. No numbness or tingling of the extremities. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No arthralgias or myalgias. GENITOURINARY: No frequency, urgency, nocturia. RESPIRATORY: No shortness of breath, cough, pain with respiration, pleuritic chest pain.

dragon medical templates

No tinnitus.ĬARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. No blurring of vision.ĮNT: No sore throat, URI symptoms. No weakness.ĮYES: No pain, erythema, or discharge. A 14-point review of systems is otherwise negative.ĬONSTITUTIONAL: No fever. Denies significant abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, black tarry stools, bright red blood per rectum. Does have chronic back and body aches, which are diffuse and varying in site from day to day. Had no associated neck, arm, jaw pain or pressure today. No headache, visual symptoms, stiff neck. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient denies recent URI, fever, chills, weight loss or night sweats.


The patient has full range of motion of the upper and lower extremities. Musculoskeletal: The patient denies muscle weakness, pain, or joint stiffness. Urinary: The patient has normal urination. Denies nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. Gastrointestinal: The patient has normal appetite. Cardiac: The patient denies chest pain or palpitation. Respiratory: The patient denies shortness of breath, wheeze, cough and hemoptysis. Eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, throat, neck: No complaints. The patient denies headache, nausea, vomiting, or visual changes. Skin: The patient denies itching, rashes, sores and bruises. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient denies weight change, fatigue, weakness, fever, chills, night sweats.

dragon medical templates

Musculoskeletal: No joint pain or swelling or edema. No vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding. GI: No nausea, no vomiting, no diarrhea, no constipation, no anorexia. HEENT: No sore throat, earache, or congestion. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: No fever, no chills, no weight change.

Dragon medical templates